We have a number of rooms catering for different age groups and activities.

Other additional activities are also shown below.


Baby Room - Staff Ratio 1:3

The Baby room offers a friendly relaxed family atmosphere for children, from 6 weeks to 2 years. The babies can explore and learn through one to one activities with staff and play equipment provided. Stimulation at a young age encourages happy, inquisitive babies to become confident toddlers ready to grasp the concepts of learning skills for later on in life. The babies are encouraged to join in simple activities, which improve their mental and social awareness. 

Babies are regularly taken out for walks in the town, including to the duck pond, park and library. 

We believe in the development of the whole child. We recognise that each child is different and that they should be allowed to develop at their own pace.


Toddler Room - Staff Ratio 1:4

The Toddler room offers a friendly relaxed family atmosphere for children, from 2 years to 3 years to develop. The toddlers can explore and learn through a wide variety of planned activities. 

Stimulation at a young age encourages happy, inquisitive toddlers to become confident children ready to grasp the concepts of learning skills for later on in life. The toddlers are encouraged to join in simple activities, which improve their mental and social awareness. 

Music time is very special to the children and important for the development of language and coordination when the children join in the ‘action’ songs. 

It is especially rewarding when one notices the most introverted child responding. Babies and Toddlers are regularly taken out for walks in the village. 


Pre-School - Staff Ratio 1:8

The Pre-school children aged from 3 years to 4 years have the use of three rooms: a block play and loose parts room, a role play/home environment room, and a messy room which includes playdough, clay, craft, and painting. We also feature garden play, walks, rugby tots, louby lou story telling, forest school and library sessions.

We follow a child led approach, to create a holistic view of our children. Supporting their development through play and their interests.

We adhere to the new curriculum - the four purposes.


Monmouth Day Nursery features a beautiful garden where lots of learning and fun happens.

Additional Activities         

"Here at Monmouth Day Nursery we aim to provide the best provision possible for your children. Children get more out of learning when they engage in first hand experiences. Therefore, we arrange regular additional activities to enhance learning. Such activities as:

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Visits to the fire station


Rugby tots

Library visits

Hands on learning experiences

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Forest school

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Outdoor Mud Kitchen

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Christmas party

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Visits to the allotment